Dr. Sharaddha Thakur at Krishna Hospital, Samastipur is an expert in dealing with High Risk Pregnancy. A high-risk pregnancy is a pregnancy that poses a threat to a woman before or during pregnancy, or after delivery. A high-risk pregnancy demands regular monitoring and special care of both the baby and mother throughout the pregnancy.
Pre eclampsia and eclampsia
Seizures that occur during a woman's pregnancy or shortly after giving birth. Eclampsia can follow a condition of high blood pressure and excess protein in the urine during pregnancy (preeclampsia). Symptoms that signal an increasing risk of eclampsia include upper-right abdominal pain, severe headache and vision and mental status changes. Medication can treat and prevent seizures and reduce high blood pressure. The baby may need to be delivered early. Dr. Sharaddha Thakur at Krishna Hospital, Samastipur

Severe Anaemia
Anaemia is very often due to a lack of one or more of three main nutrients – iron, folate and vitamin B12. Anaemia is a common medical problem and can be due to deficiency of one or more nutrients, blood loss or a variety of medical problems. As a general rule anaemia of almost any degree requires medical assessment so that the correct cause can be ascertained and appropriate treatment given. Dr. Sharaddha Thakur at Krishna Hospital, Samastipur provides complete treatment of Severe Anaemia.

Placenta Previa
Placenta praevia risk factors include a previous delivery, age older than 35 and a history of previous surgeries, such as a caesarean section (C-section) or uterine fibroid removal. Dr. Sharaddha Thakur at Krishna Hospital, Samastipur says the main symptom is bright red vaginal bleeding without pain during the second-half of pregnancy. The condition can also cause severe bleeding before or during delivery. Limited physical activity is recommended. A C-section is often required in severe cases.
