Female Care Section - by Dr. Sharaddha Thakur at Krishna Hospital, Samastipur
Screening of Cervical Cancer
What is Cervical Screening? Cervical cancer might also be discovered by screening. Since cervical cancer can be efficiently treated, especially if discovered early, cancer detection and therapy must be carried out concurrently (tertiary prevention). Cervix screening involves a test called a Pap test that can find abnormal cells in the cervix before they become cancer. If these abnormal cells are found and treated early, cervical cancer can be stopped from developing. By having a Pap test every three years, as recommended by Dr. Sharaddha Thakur at Krishna Hospital, Samastipur, you can reduce your risk of developing cervical cancer by up to 70%. Cervical cancer screening (Pap test) can be done by a Dr. Sharaddha Thakur at Krishna Hospital, Samastipur at her clinic

Immunisation of Cervical Cancer
The HPV vaccination, often known as the cervical cancer vaccine, offers defence against the human papilloma virus (HPV), a particular family of viruses that is transmitted through sex. In addition to being a major factor in the development of vulvar, vaginal, anal, and oropharyngeal cancers, HPV is also a major cause of cervical cancer. It is advised that girls aged 11 or 12 receive two doses of the cervical cancer vaccination, spaced six to twelve months apart.

However, the vaccination can be given to people as young as 9 and as old as 45. As per by Dr. Sharaddha Thakur at Krishna Hospital, Samastipur, the vaccine should be administered three times over the period of six months to people who receive their first dose at age 15 or older.
Fibroid Treatment
Fibroids can grow to be the size of a grapefruit or even larger, though they are typically much smaller. They are rather common. Many people who have fibroids have no idea what they have. If you experience sex pain, bloating, abdominal pressure, frequent urination, or painful or lengthy periods. You might then require fibroids surgery (Myomectomy). A myomectomy is a surgical procedure used to remove fibroids. Depending on where the growths are, a surgeon may need to remove further tissue. There might be various myomectomy techniques accessible. Dr. Sharaddha Thakur at Krishna Hospital, Samastipur is an expert in Fibroid Treatment.