At Krishna Hospital, Samastipur Best Urology Hospital in Samastipur headed by Dr. Mahesh Kumar Thakur we treat Kidney & Prostate diseases. Our Urology Department equipped with Advanced Laser and Laparoscopy. We are located at Adarsh Nagar and treating successfully. We specialize in complex surgery not widely provided elsewhere.
VVF / UVF Repair
VVF means Vesico Vaginal Fistula. Fistula means connection between two organs because of creation of hole in the organ. VVF occurs due to communication between bladder & vagina. A whole occurs in bladder as well as in vagina. Now a days most of VVF is treated by advanced laparoscopic surgery. Dr. Mahesh Kumar Thakur in Krishna Hospital practices advanced Laparoscopic surgery for VVF regularly. Those patients who got surgery done for VVF outside and not got the result (Failed VVF Operation) treated at Krishna Hospital by Dr. Mahesh Kumar Thakur and got cured. We have treated complicated VVF in our hospital.

Ureteric Reimplantation
Ureteral reimplantation is used for the treatment of reflux. It is a condition in which urine from the bladder can flow back through the tubes that connect the kidneys to the bladder. This condition is graded from 1 to 5, with one being very minor and five being very serious. Testing is performed on the basis of the cystogram tests, the x-ray test in which dye is inserted in the bladder, and the ureters and kidneys are observed. Ureteric reimplantation is a procedure to treat reflux in children. It can be one unilateral or both bilateral ureters requiring repair.

The ureteral reimplantation operation for your child will be performed by Dr. Mahesh Kumar Thakur in Krishna Hospital, who focuses on issues relating to children's urinary systems and reproductive organs. Following this surgery, your child will stay in the hospital for one to two days. It will take several hours to conduct this surgery.
Prostatic Biopsy
A prostate biopsy is a procedure to find samples of tissue from the prostate gland. This can be performed through the rectum (transrectal). Biopsy of the prostate is the procedure to take a small tissue sample from your prostate gland. In order to take the biopsy, a special ultrasound probe is passed into the rectum to scan and take pictures of the prostate. A prostate biopsy involves passing a needle through the scanning probe, into the prostate, to remove a small core of tissue.
Dr. Mahesh Kumar Thakur may advise that you get a prostate biopsy.