Dr. Sharaddha Thakur at Krishna Hospital, Samastipur, specializes in the care of women during pregnancy and childbirth and in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the female reproductive organs.
Normal Delivery Experts
A ‘natural birth’ is a normal delivery that takes place without the use of medications or interventions of any kind. Every mother deserves to try for a normal delivery, unless there is a clear medical reason not to. The term ‘normal delivery’ is often used interchangeably with ‘vaginal delivery’. Both these terms refer to the process by which a baby is pushed out of the birth canal by the mother. It helps the mother heal faster so that she is able to tend to her children sooner. As the baby traverses the birth canal, it picks up helpful bacteria that protect it from developing diseases later. Dr. Sharaddha Thakur at Krishna Hospital, Samastipur, ensures unless required medically, helps her patient to deliver baby normally .

Cesarean Delivery
Cesarean section, C-section, or Cesarean birth is the surgical delivery of a baby through a cut (incision) made in the mother's abdomen and uterus. Cesarean delivery is preferred by couples as it allows them to select the date of giving birth to the child. Cesarean delivery does not have any major risks associated with it. One can experience the time of giving birth to a child with this procedure, without even having any pain. Dr. Sharaddha Thakur at Krishna Hospital, Samastipur, is an expert surgeon to perform Cesarean Operation in the area.

Baby (Neonatal) Resuscitation Room
Newborn or neonatal resuscitation refers to emergency medical intervention techniques employed immediately after childbirth to assist babies who are not able to breath independently after birth. Once a baby is born it is very important that they are able to start breathing on their own right away. During pregnancy the unborn baby is dependent on the umbilical cord and placenta for oxygen delivery. When everything goes well during childbirth, the baby is delivered into the world and immediately starts breathing on its own without any assistance. This transition from intrauterine to extrauterine life is the final, critical stage of childbirth. 1% require extensive medical intervention known as neonatal resuscitation.
