Best Female Care
Hospital Samastipur, Bihar

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Best gynaecologist Samastipur Dr Shraddha Thakur
Female Care Section

Female Care Section - by Dr. Sharaddha Thakur at Krishna Hospital, Samastipur.

PCOD/ PCOS Treatment

This illness has an impact on a woman's hormone levels. Male hormones are produced in greater quantities than usual by women with PCOS. Their body skips menstruation cycles as a result of this hormonal imbalance, which also makes it more difficult for them to become pregnant. You are questioned about symptoms including weight increase, acne, and facial and body hair development. A pelvic exam can check for any issues with your ovaries or other reproductive system components.

PCOD/ PCOS Treatment

Dr. Sharaddha Thakur at Krishna Hospital, Samastipur performs this test by inserting gloved fingers into your vagina to feel for any uterine or ovarian growths. Blood tests look for male hormone levels that are greater than usual. Additionally, you might undergo blood tests to monitor your levels of triglycerides, insulin, and cholesterol in order to assess your risk for developing diseases like diabetes and heart disease. In order to find abnormal follicles and other issues with your ovaries and uterus, an ultrasound employs sound waves.

Endometriosis Treatment

Endometriosis is a condition in which tissue that resembles the uterine lining develops outside of the uterine cavity. Your uterus' lining is known as the endometrium. You understandably desire an immediate cure for the pain and other endometriosis symptoms. If this illness is not treated, it may make it difficult for you to go about your daily activities. To assist you manage any potential consequences and lessen your symptoms, there are both medical and surgical alternatives available.

Endometriosis Treatment

When conservative therapies fail to improve your condition, we might then suggest surgery. Different people respond differently to various therapeutic alternatives. Dr. Sharaddha Thakur at Krishna Hospital, Samastipur assist you in locating the one that best suits your needs.